søndag den 21. oktober 2012

Media Mayhem : Tom Cruise & Scientology

Scientology investigator Mark Ebner opens his mouth and doesn't hold back when discussing the Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes divorce and the sordid details of Scientology. After spending years following the Church--and being followed by them--Mark has amassed a scary amount of information on the group he calls a 'cult.' De-mystifying and scandalous, the talk sheds light on the shadowy corners of the group and Mark fills in the blanks on the group's hold on it's converts, John Travolta's recent troubles, and the Celebrity Poker Ring. GUEST BIO: Mark Ebner is an investigative journalist who has covered celebrity and crime culture for such publications as Rolling Stone, Maxim, Details and Spy. Mark has investigated such controversial subjects as Scientology, dog fighting and the Ku Klux Klan. A published author, Mark co-wrote the New York Times bestseller "Hollywood, Interrupted" with Andrew Breitbart and Six Degrees of Paris Hilton. Most recently he co-authored "We Have Your Husband," a story about a kidnapping in Mexico. In addition to writing, he has served as a commentator on NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, NPR, Court TV and E! Entertainment Television to name a few. Mark was a consultant on the Emmy nominated episode of South Park's "Trapped in the Closet" and also consulted for NBC/Dateline on the Paris Hilton Tapes report. Ebner runs a blog at hollywoodinterrupted.com where he reports on breaking news from Hollywood.

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